Twelve Women Strong!

Recently, we had our first team meeting. Some faces were new. Some faces were familiar. All faces were a welcome sight!

We all believe that God has called us to the trip. Many are excited about being 12 Women Strong, and a few are nervous about not having a man on this trip. Safety is always a concern at some level.

However, we all believe that God is with us!

Fundraising is still foremost on our minds. Please pray over this aspect of the trip, as well as our safety and our health.

God is Good! All the Time! If you ever go to Kenya, you hear this over and over again - repeated as a responsive reading. It's simple message is clear and trusted in an area where some may or may not eat that day, some may or may not receive health care that day, where some may or may not have clean water to drink that day.

God is so good! He is good and loves us to serve him in this way. He is good in His calling of teams and his melding together all the different skills and personalities, talents and gifts. He is GOOD! All THE TIME!

We are excited to share more with our financial partners as the days and weeks continue. 82 days and we will be there!