Expect An Unexpected Journey

The preparations leading up to the trip with La Casa de mi Padre were typically stressful and exhilarating for a mission trip. As the equine therapy team, we had geared up to work hard, connect deeply, and act intentionally. From the moment we landed, God showed how He had prepared the way for us and La Casa.
My personal experience of “preparation meets opportunity” include the intersection of my professional life with immediate needs that risen as we arrived. They were things I could be of help with, guide about, support on, and show clarity on as I have been doing it for 10+ years.
For some things (like crafts and labor) we prepared for months, for other work God had been preparing me for over a decade.
I wish I could convey how deeply honored and truly touched I felt and continue to feel to have been allowed to do for those in La Casa. The things we experienced as a team include refurbishment of horses’ stables, facilitating crafts that allowed the kids to reconnect with lost childhoods, and engaging with communities. Thank you to those who partner with global(x) and with those who go on journeys because we can do these things thanks to your support.