Thank you so much to everyone who supported out team's trip to Costa Rica!

While we were in San José, Hope Center gave us the opportunity to love on and play with children from one of the poorest and most dangerous areas of Costa Rica. We also were able to repaint their school.

Most of these kids must to decide between selling drugs to make money for their family or going to school to get an education so they can get a decent job later in life. By partnering with these schools, Hope Center allows the schools and their staff to spend the time and resources they have on the kids instead of on building repairs and painting. We were also able to love these kids and show them God’s love.

Our theme for the week was “Eres importante para Dios,” which means you are important to God. I told this to one of the kids and he looked at me funny for a second, then gave me a huge hug. I love the kids and can’t wait to go back next year!

Thank you again so much, this would not have been possible with everyone who helped.
