Hey friends and family :).

As some of you may have seen/heard, I have the opportunity to lead a trip back to Kenya this May!! I prayed for a while at the beginning of this year trying to discern if this is what I was supposed to do.

One of the leaders on my trip this past November asked me if I’d consider leading alongside her, and I said yes.

This was an easy yes, but a hard decision riddled with some fear about raising funds in a shorter amount of time, would work be supportive of me taking time off again? What about my health, would I be able to withstand the travel again?

After door after door appeared to swing open, I jumped in.

Anyone who has heard me talk about Kenya can vouch this this experience completely wrecked my heart. I grew in ways I didn’t anticipate, and my heart is definitely stretched across the globe. The people of Ndibai are captivating, joyful, full of peace, and taught me so much about gratitude and joy in light of circumstances. They practice overwhelming faith and are such an honor to know.

Obviously, my favorite part of this experience was the kids. I think anyone who truly knows me knows kids have always loved me and flocked to me. And the Kenyan children were no different. I was grateful to be able to use my gifts with kids to love on them, learn from them, and laugh with them. As a nurse, I was able to comfort and provide distraction and care when a few of the kids had to receive injections. I was able to make them feel safe and secure despite scary procedures and I am very grateful to have been there.

All this to say, I'd really like for you to partner with me and would be so grateful for your prayers. Please pray for our team, our trip, and the community we're so excited to serve.

Thank you so much. Asante Sana, Nakupenda!!!