Kenya Take Two 🇰🇪

My first experience in Kenya was amazing and I was without words to describe it. When I went, I had just found out some serious medical news about two immediate family members, my brother and my father, I had just lost my job, and my husband had recently had a serious accident resulting in a stroke. So, needless to say, it was not seemingly the best timing. However, God had other plans to impact me in a positive way beyond what I could ever imagine. Not surprising, of course! Our timing and plan is not always God’s, but if we listen and are open, we will surely be pleased.

I wrote this upon my return:

I am honored to have served with some of the greatest people I've ever met on this medical trip and humbled by the loving and kind people we served. My life will never be the same.

I am still processing my experience and probably will for quite some time. Until then, here are ten things I was convicted of while serving in Ndibai

1. Money, prestige, degrees, titles, and material things don't matter, but your love, compassion, and joy for God and others does.
2. A home is not a building, but rather a place you fill with love, kindness, and servitude.
3. Putting others first will give you more joy than you know.
4. You can choose to be happy and grateful no matter what your circumstances.
5. Beauty is all around you in all different forms and if you stop and observe, you will be amazed and humbled.
6. Family doesn't always mean you are related by blood, but perhaps joined in your hearts by a spiritual connection.
7. Everyone has a story and is dealing with struggles well below the surface so, dig deeper with them.
8. God is truly everywhere and works in ways we may never understand so, be satisfied and content with where you are and what you have.
9. We are enough and He made us perfect in His image just the way he wanted and right where he wanted us to be.
10. Dr. Dan Eller does the best Donald Duck while singing the Star Spangled Banner and can brighten anybody's day (watch and see) and if there's a cat coming, get on the bus!

All the rest of the photos and videos are in the album attached. Love to all that made this possible. I can't wait to return and learn more!

I have no doubt this trip will be as amazing if not more. Thank you for your love and support!