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In 2017, Tom partnered with global(x) to serve with Metro Kids Africa in South Africa. During the journey, Tom and the team worked at a kids camp serving over 100 kids from the slums of Cape Town. Tom lead the team as they played games, shared music, and told Bible stories to the children. The journey had a tremendous impact on him. To this day, those on his team still gather, saying Tom was the glue that held them together.


About global(x)

global(x) is a part of North Point Ministries. 

We believe when people engage in service, it leads to life change. So we created global(x) trips, opportunities for people to serve at-risk families and children together in various locations around the world. Our belief is that as people choose to serve, whether in one of our churches, in the local community, or around the world, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those that see them choosing to give their time to help someone else. 

We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization: 58-2203569
PO Box 3300, Alpharetta, GA 30023-3300