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Thanks so much for coming to my page and learning more about my trip! Background Story: My new years resolution for 2017 was one of service. I simply wanted to volunteer more and give to others. What I didn't know is that this goal would set me out on an incredible journey of faith and self-exploration. I started attending services Buckhead Church in Atlanta, GA each week at the beginning of the year. The messages really spoke to me and challenged me to dive deeper into my faith. I got connected with a small group and began reading my bible daily. I've learned that you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian. In fact, no one is. Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins and I learned that's good enough. We all make mistakes and we have the ability to be forgiven of those as we grow. This journey of faith also led me to want to help our youngest generation establish the foundations of their faith. I began serving in Waumba Land, the preschool ministry, at Buckhead Church and working with the four year old class each week. I'll tell you there is nothing like watching a small child pray to God. It warms my heart every single time. How I Got Involved With This Trip: One Sunday, before the service began, I saw a video about GlobalX Mission trips through Northpoint Ministries. My small group leader and I looked at each other and said "Let's do this!" Filling out the application was truly a leap of faith as I've never been on a mission trip and have never left the country (except for a cruise to the Bahamas). This trip stood out to me for two reasons: (1) it involves children, a group that holds a very special place in my heart and (2) it gave me an opportunity to use my gifting of event planning for a good cause. This trip, happening December 13-18, 2017, will provide the children of La Casa de Mi Padre with the opportunity to learn what Christmas is all about in a way that they might not have otherwise. We will be hosting a Christmas party for the children that live in the orphanage and another for the families in the surrounding village. There really is no better time to show the love of God than at Christmas and I'm honored to have the opportunity to do so. Showing these children the love of God will have a lasting impact on them, not only at Christmas, but also for the rest of their lives. How You Can Help: 1) Financially Support The cost of the trip is $2,000 before December 13, 2017. By donating, you will be directly helping to support the work we will be doing in El Salvador and have a tremendous impact on the lives of the children there. 2) Prayer We have a team of 12 people going to El Salvador. Pray that God will prepare our hearts, knit us together as a team, keep us safe and use us to do his most important work. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story and learn more about this mission trip. I will be blessed by any amount of support (prayer or financial) that you are able to give. Thanks again, Nikki From North Point Ministries:

Serve the children at La Casa de mi Padre, one of our global partners. Examples of projects include: laying infrastructure at the future home of La Finca (The Ranch) of La Casa de mi Padre by laying paving stones, digging drainage ditches, preparing playing fields, and doing property maintenance; as well as helping with the upkeep of the current home (painting, cleaning, installing fans/lighting). In addition, participants will help with food delivery to the families surrounding the ranch, maintenance on the home of the family of one of our children, and developing relationships with the children.

global(x) is North Point Ministries’ international division. 

We believe when people engage in service, it leads to life change. So we created global(x) trips, opportunities for people to serve together in various locations around the world. Our belief is that as people choose to serve, whether in one of our churches, in the local community, or around the world, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those that see them choosing to give their time to help someone else.