Going into the trip I began mental preparing myself for the week, but realized that nobody is ever prepared for something like this. You can try and imagine what the week will look like but you never really know for sure. I did not know what God had in His plan for me and how my week would play out, I gave it all to him and began praying for Him to make himself known and present in my heart and eyes throughout this week. I received a response that felt so powerful and true and very moving, He replies "he is a gift", although I knew it was the words from the Lord I still was completely confused at what he meant by that phrase, being that I have not even met anyone yet because we have not even landed yet.
First day came along at the center and we were sanding and painting and doing our mission. I see two little brown eyes that told a whole story with only one look. They were so beautiful, big and brown and shined so bright. Without even knowing a name I knew that this little boy was about to change my life. I was right. We began getting to know each other and started communicating and grew a bond like no other. Hugs so tight I could not breathe, and laughs that held more memories than anyone could make in a life time.
Second day at the center. The days in CR began shortening but the bonds were only growing. I see my little best friend sitting at a table doing some crafts but next to him was a paperback bible holding only 3 pages. Pages from the chapter of Psalms. His favorite color was green. A color that quickly became so beautiful to me. He had Psalms 118:14 underlined in green highlighter. Immediately I grab a marker and write the verse on my hand so I would not forget. A few hours have passed and it became time for you to leave. You said to me "I love you and you are perfect in my eyes." You say it all in English as if you were trying to relate to where I am from. Those words will stick with me forever.
I get home from the week in CR and I began flipping through the Christian name book at my friends house and come across the name Reid, my name. The verse associated with Reid.... you can guess it, Psalm 118:14. You can imagine my reaction. Before me and my little one met we were still connected in someway. I felt the urge to flip to his name so I did. His name spiritually means "Gift of God", boom... there is my answered prayer that I have been waiting for. He was my best gift, God knew and he knew we were meant to meet. Mi regalo mejor forever.