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until Vernon leaves
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Team members will work with members of Shalom Church in Merida, Mexico. The trip's focus will be on strategic service projects and meeting the needs of the church and community. Projects may include light construction, painting, and teaching the local children about Christ through Vacation Bible Schools. Team members will have the opportunity to interact with local leaders, community members, and children while building relationships.

global(x) is North Point Ministries’ international division. 

We believe when people engage in service, it leads to life change. So we created global(x) trips, opportunities for people to serve together in various locations around the world. Our belief is that as people choose to serve, whether in one of our churches, in the local community, or around the world, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those that see them choosing to give their time to help someone else.